Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. How's That For a Catchy Title?

Sadly there is so very little to tell about what's been going on since I last wrote on Monday. Once again, I have a hard time even remembering what I do from one day to the next and have lost track of dates and days of the week completely. Maybe if I just start writing I'll remember something again.
My friend Deleice came over Tuesday morning to get me on my bike and moving. It was windy and kind of cool, but the nice thing is--if some one's there to get you out of your house you'll go even if conditions are less than perfect. Tadman came along in the bike trailer. I have a little 5 mile circuit I've been riding, and yes, I know 5 miles is pathetic, but it's a challenge right now. Tadman enjoys all the scenery along the way such as the ducks, the lawnmowers, and of course, the trucks.
After the bike ride I got really ambitious and went to Municipal Park to meet Kate's class for lunch (they'd been on a field trip to the MK Nature Center). It was fun to see Cindy and Bill Whiting and Sam there waiting for James, and Cindy was nice enough to take a few photos of Tadman playing. Kate was excited to have us there and got to play with Tadman a little after she ate, but we didn't have long to spend with her until she was back on the bus. Municipal Park is in my part of Boise, where I grew up and went to school and church, so I always enjoy spending time in that part of town. In fact, I've done a few end of school year field trips of my own in that very same park.
I'm sorry, but that's all I can remember about Tuesday except for a very good dinner. Actually after checking my calender I see I went to a football boosters meeting. How could I forget? Although there's much to talk about and plan for, all those meetings do is make me sad it's not football season yet. I am really looking forward to seeing Hunter play again at the end of the summer. Prepare for total domination on the line of scrimmage!
More fun on Wednesday--I had an interview with the Pathways people, Greg, and Parker at Lowell Scott. I was late, of course, but I think the interview went well, with Parker still very excited about going there and me still a little skeptical. As soon as we find out if he's been accepted to Pathways we will sit down and do a pro and con list between Pathways and Christine Donnell. I am excited Parker will be somewhere other than Lowell Scott next fall.
I am so appreciative of my mom and Heather who came to pick up laundry and drop off clean clothes again on Wednesday. I know this treatment is beginning to drag on, and thank goodness my helpers all seem to be in it for the duration, because I need the help more now than I did at the beginning, and I'm sure I'll need it more and more the further we get into it. And as I've mentioned before, Tadman really looks forward to them coming. He's really starting to get tired of me.
I also had a visit from my faithful visiting teachers on Wednesday. Mindy and Brenda came and gave me a great message about hope and enduring and not questioning God but asking Him what He wants you to learn from the challenges you have--a good message for me.
As always Wednesday after school was a crazy mess. Parker had a doctor's appointment, Rachel orchestra, Hunter young mens, and Parker scouts--just a typical Wednesday evening.
This morning Deleice was back again to get my rear end out of bed. Today I definitely wouldn't have gotten up if she didn't come for me. Thank you, Deleice, for making me get up and do something. We did the same loop, but today it was a little warmer, and the wind was at our backs on the way out and in our faces on the way back, and that made it a little more challenging. After the ride I took Tadman on a walk around the block. He was insistent on going in his stroller. I am sad I'm not supposed to do much walking, because it's a whole different experience than bike riding. I enjoy being able to look more closely at smaller details in landscaping, like Mindy's sublime tulips and another neighbor's white flowering vines. I don't see all that stuff when I'm biking.
I took Tadman to lunch at Cobby's because I couldn't face the idea of food preparation, and then for the rest of the afternoon I wrestled with him to try to get him to lie down and take a nap with me. He's definitely had enough of the "mom in bed." He'd like to get outside and ride his bike and play with his brothers and sisters. But I would not be denied and I finally got a nap out of him. The rest of the day I had very little success in rousing myself out of bed. To tell you the truth I'm just not on top of things any more. I don't know if the kids are getting their homework done or if deadlines are being met. I don't know all the details I'm forgetting. I just hope I'm not as integral to their well being and success as I imagine myself to be. Hopefully they're getting all their needs met without me.
Thank you to all of you who brought food this week, to Deleice for the exercise, to Heather and my mom, and to those who commented on my blog. It was nice to hear from you, John, and I would have e-mailed to you if you'd left me your e-mail address. That is very bad news that you won't be renewing your BSU tickets, and yes, you would think you'd get some sort of a deal because you know people. I think you ought to reconsider. I can't imagine living in Boise during football season without Bronco football! I am still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit surgery in in September and not miss a game. It keeps me going! Thank you to my super sweet niece-in-law (?), Bethany, for sending me a package with earrings of her own design. I was so excited to receive it.
I apologize for my lack of wit and personality in writing. I hope to get it back some day when I finish this mind numbing treatment.


  1. "Niece-in-law" works for me. :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. I hope today is a better day for you. I sometimes wish I had a "reason" to not remember what I do day to day.
    YOu will make it thru and all that Margi feistiness will be back!

  3. I'm so glad that Parker has more options for school next year. I hope you survived your Saturday games and all today.

  4. Yes, Margi, we are all in this for the long haul with you. I hope Tadman slept for you after playing at our house. He and Sam kept busy the whole time. They are so cute. "More trains."
