Friday, April 17, 2009

Hat Party! Bum Tummy.

Nothing is as fun when your tummy hurts. Nothing is as fun when you no longer look forward to that special snack or that great dessert. Wait, I take that back! Hat parties are still fun.
But before the hat party I had to get up and pay my bills, and that was hard to do because Taddy was up into the wee hours of the morning for some reason. He just wouldn't go to sleep last night until 2 a.m. So I was pretty tired this morning when bill paying time came. I have to say I have a pretty impressive stack of bills, too, now that I have a medical "condition". Those come with lots of bills and now a job that used to take me a couple of hours takes about 5.
I was still working on bills when my lovely helpers came to clean my house. Marian Smith, Stephanie Searle, Nicole Daniels, Brenda Walton and Jamie Boyce came and cleaned our home from top to bottom and side to side--and it looks fabulous. My windows are gleaming, my floors shine and we even got all the old Easter candy out of the couch cushions. Thank you, great friends!
More help was on the way as shift one finished up and shift two arrived. Heather, her daughter Brennan, and my mom were right on the heels of the first group. They put away freshly folded laundry and picked up the dirty variety, and then they helped me organize and put away stacks of junk I've been meaning to put away for weeks and haven't gotten around to. My house is just much more attractive this evening than it was when I woke up this morning. Thank you, great family.
Then it was time for the hat party! Karla and Becky were nice enough to come and fetch Tadman and I because I was moving pretty slowly. My stomach is becoming more and more of an issue as this treatment goes on, and those stomach problems were demotivating, so the ride was very much appreciated. Thank you Brenda, for hostessing the party, and thank you Melinda, for finding a picture of me with good hair to put on the invitation. The food was good, the hats are great, the catalogs and wig information invaluable, and I really do feel a lot better about losing my hair with all my faithful friends supporting me. It sincerely made a difference. Thanks hat party guests! I will be sporting some fine hats in the near future!
May I take the time to mention that the weather was breathtakingly fine today and I took a few minutes to pull a few weeds in the back yard so I could enjoy it. A beautiful spring day can make you forget your problems I tell ya'.
The customary blessing count is quite easy to do today. I am thankful for caring and concerned friends and family. I am thankful for a toddler who is happy, somehow, on 5 and a half hours of sleep. I am thankful for hats and wigs and all the fashion options they will provide when my hair is gone. I'm thankful for a husband who works hard, hard, hard, so we can make a dent in those medical bills. I'm so thankful he still has a job to go to. And I'm thankful for sunshine, warmer weather, singing birds, blooming flowers, green grass, and baby ducks. These are all evidences that my Heavenly Father loves me.


  1. The hat party was fun! Sorry you weren't feeling great. Megan liked the hamburger hat. I'd love to see you sportin' that around to a game :)
    And I agree that spring in itself is a uplifter. Hopefully I'll get some yardwork done today after all the games.
    Sure love your posts. Keep them comin'.

  2. Darn, I missed the hat party! I would have loved to see the haul. Post some pictures! Can I do something this week, PLEASE??

  3. So good to see you at the hat party. I just love reading your blog and keeping up with all the day to day emotions, activities, and highs/lows that you are going through. What a blessing you are facing the "yuckies" of chemo during spring time....can you imagine winter? yuck! I am HAPPY to help in anyway, any time! I'm praying for you! Just love ya, Margi!

  4. Definitely a fun party and that you could still enjoy it while being sick.
